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Category: Sales

  • The harder I work, the luckier I get (continued)

    The most successful people work hard.  They put more hours…


  • Trade Shows and playing to win

    When you exhibit at a trade show, do you play…


  • More About Waking Up And Smelling The Coffee

    Do you wish your boss loved you as much as…


  • “We want you to be in their office, not ours”

    Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash  If you work in sales,…


  • Something more substantial than “Here’s hoping”

    Here’s something to think about before your next event.  According…


  • Are you a wearer of many hats?

    Are you a wearer of many hats? If you work…


  • Questions Lady Catherine de Bourgh might ask

    The spiky Lady Catherine de Bourgh in Pride And Prejudice…


  • What if they hadn’t met?

    What if Pip hadn’t met Abel Magwitch escaping from the…


  • Staying ahead of curveball feedback

    The balmy days of August are here.  The roads are…


  • An excellent plan in just two hours

    How about creating a plan to attract buyers from the…


  • Great Mysteries In Marketing Part 78: Where do they all come from?

    Most exhibitors assume that visitors will attend the show they’ve…


  • It’s not an Olympic sport just yet

    If you’re reading this, I’m guessing you’re not among the…
