What if Pip hadn’t met Abel Magwitch escaping from the prison ship?
He (and we) would never have had any expectations of greatness.
If Paris hadn’t met Helen of Troy, there would be no Illiad.
No Achilles or Hector.
And no tales of ancient valour or a Trojan Horse.
If Richard Dreyfuss hadn’t gone with the aliens in their spaceship in Close Encounters Of The Third Kind, we’d never have had that call sign tune repeating over and over in our heads.
Great stories have come from these fictional meetings and many others throughout literature and film.
Stories that capture our imagination for years or even centuries after their creation.
The fact is, you just can’t tell where meetings, real or fictional, will lead.
That’s why your company and so many others take part in trade shows.
If you want to create some best sellers, don’t leave it all to chance.
That’s why I wrote the Sales Appointment Guide.
It will help you increase the number of excellent meetings you have when you next exhibit.
Who knows where it will help you get to?
To start getting those meetings booked, see this page.
Very best,
David O’Beirne