Of course, you’re not.
You’re the boss.
What you say goes.
There is one guy or gal who often disagrees with what you say.
They raise an eyebrow.
They express their opinion as to why this or that idea you’ve outlined won’t work.
They’re the “Wilson” in your platoon.*
Though they might be good (not usually great performers), their negativity, when expressed, lowers the mood.
Yours, and the rest of the team.
Wilsons can be good people.
But they should express their doubts and fears in private.
As much as you can, surround yourself with positive people.
That’s not just in Sales but in your support team, too.
They’re the sort of people who will help you achieve big goals.
Very best,
PS. For a positive approach to email marketing see this page.
*Sargeant Wilson of Dad’s Army was famous for his low-key criticism of Captain Mainwaring’s ideas.