- Convert objections into sales and put more money in the bank
- Use objections to fine-tune your marketing
- Learn how to move from Seller to Trusted Advisor status
Every business faces sales objections.
Even huge companies like Microsoft and Amazon meet people who say “No.”
This Really Useful Guide shows you how to use objections to the benefit of your business and how to overcome those that hurt you most.
You’ll find the content invaluable if you work in sales or manage a sales team.
What’s inside is knowledge drawn from my fifty years of handling all kinds of objections up close and personal.
In my teens and while still at school, I knocked on doors to ask if people wanted their cars washed, lawns cut or odd jobs done. So much work came from this I employed my friends to help.
Later, my first full-time sales job. I sold electrical products face-to-face to store owners in London and the South East of England. I met the good, the bad and the angry.
Then I sold advertising by phone in London’s first free newspaper. That was a challenge in the early days of tele-sales but a great sales education!
Then came another advertising sales job, this time wearing a suit to pitch advertising contracts mainly to advertising agencies and sometimes direct to clients.
That was followed by a long spell in event sales. Marketing and organising later came to be a part of the job.
The point of telling you that potted history is,
I know what I’m talking about when it comes to sales objections and, more importantly (for you), I know what works.
About the Guide
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It costs £15.95.
Very best,

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