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Regrets. Who Needs Them?

11/10/23Posted in Marketing, Sales, Trade show marketing

Have you ever had the feeling you could have done better? 

When you could kick yourself for not doing something as well as you planned?

In my work with exhibitors, it’s a sentiment often expressed. 

Things they “meant to do” but never did are frequently mentioned. 

Like booking appointments with key sales prospects; 

“If only we’d got more of our top prospects to the show, I’m certain we’d have closed more business.”

Or pitching to be involved in the seminar or conference programme;

“Our competitor XYZ is in the programme and my boss is livid because we’re not. Now, I have to explain why.”

Or even just getting a solid pre-show marketing campaign organised before the show. 

“The number of leads collected from this show has not changed significantly in three years. I’m sure we’re only scratching the surface; now I’m under pressure to justify our spend.”

Tales of regret and angst like these abound. 

But they’re tales you needn’t worry about. 

Not if you follow the guidance in our training. 

And before you dismiss the suggestion that there might be something else worth learning about ye olde trade show marketing that you don’t already know…

The objective of the training is not to teach you how to run a stand. 

That’s very straightforward. 

No, it’s about helping you make more sales and more money for your business. 

Do that, and there should be more of the same for you, not to mention brighter career prospects. 

And better still, no regrets. 

To see what’s covered, visit this page.

Very best, 

David O’Beirne 

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