Those doom and gloom headlines dampen business optimism.
They could also make you believe that the economy is already in recession.
Officially, we’re not there yet, but we soon might be.
So what’s to be done?
I’ve lived, worked and sold through at least four severe economic downturns.
I’ve learnt that there are, even in dire and tough times, businesses that can and do buy products and services.
The problem is that others are chasing them too.*
So, you have to compete harder to win their business.
And that starts with getting on their radar.
Even when times are good, many sales efforts stop too soon.
Information from Salesforce highlights it takes 6-8 marketing touches to generate a viable sales lead.
That’s a lead, not a sale.
Here’s something else you might find interesting from the Salesforce survey,
Only 35% of sales professionals completely trust the accuracy of their organisation’s data.
As data is the starting point for email, direct mail, telesales and building an accurate picture of prospective customers, that’s not good.
If you have doubts about the quality of your data, we can help clean or rebuild your contact lists.
It’s a fast and reliable service
For more details, email
Very best,
David O’Beirne
*According to a 2024 Salesforce survey, 57% of sales leaders and managers say competition has increased since last year.