When is it budget season in your business?
In my last job, it was October, but we started warming up for it in September.
One thing all could be sure of was that the next set of targets and their associated revenue numbers would be bigger than the last.
And the budget process, with its to and fro with Finance, happened while we were still chasing the current year’s goal.
There’s nothing unique in that.
It’s business and a part of the job for managers worldwide.
And budgets, whatever their size usually contain similar elements.
Usually, there’s a price uplift across all or some products and services.
There are lines for rebookings and for revenue from new products and launches.
There will be an allowance for “new business.”
When all those projections get added together, you get a nice, tidy total.
But that’s often not the target you receive.
Many managers are tasked with delivering beyond the total in their part of the budget.
It’s where “Stretch” and “Super Targets” and their associated bonuses come into play.
The manager with a Stretch Target has a gap to fill.
They must find additional profitable revenue beyond rebookings and the other standard revenue lines mentioned above.
Trade shows can help you fill the gap.
And that’s where the High-Value Skills course can be very helpful.
It works on straightforward principles;
- With their fixed dates, trade shows offer predictability
- You can build marketing campaigns around them
- If you attract more people, you gather more leads
- Improve your lead conversion rate, and you make more sales
It provides ideas and strategies for all of the above.
You may already be employing some of them.
If so, what you learn will make exhibiting even more effective.
And if you think you will have a challenging target to achieve in the next budget year, now would be a great time to prepare.
You can see full details on this page.
Very best,