If you exhibit at trade shows you probably have more sales available to you than you realise. Click here to learn why

How to increase sales from trade shows

27/02/24Posted in Sales, Trade show marketing, Trade Shows

Two ways spring to mind as an answer. 

  1. Increase the number and quality of leads collected 
  2. Improve the conversion rate of leads to sales

There’s nothing new there, you may be thinking. 

And yet, those two things lie at the heart of increasing sales in any medium. So,

If sales aren’t increasing from the trade shows your company participates in, our Performance Improvement Service could be just what you need. 

There are two parts.

The first focuses on things that improve stand footfall numbers and quality. 

The objective is to increase the number and quality of the leads collected at a trade show. 

And while leads are great, you’ll agree that sales are far better. 

Which is why…

The second part of the service is about improving the conversion of leads into sales post-event. 

Both are closely linked. 

Best of all, we will train the event lead in your business to do these things for your business in the future.  

If this sounds interesting, a short phone call will let us know if we are “right” for each other. 

To arrange a call, please email david@theexhibitionagency.com with a date and time that suits you and your phone number.  

Very best, 

David O’Beirne

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