Image by kirill_makes_pics from Pixabay
What’s the most critical element in email or direct marketing?
A clue? It’s not the copy, the headline or the offer.
It’s the list.
If you rely on a poorly maintained list to generate leads or sales, your response rates will suffer.
Left unfixed, a prospect list represents a cost to your business rather than an asset.
It won’t do the job it’s supposed to, and your sales team will moan about having to spend time searching for contact names and details.
But how do lists get so out of date?
I’ve found that the biggest culprits for not keeping a list updated are salespeople.
I don’t know why they treat such a key asset of their sales kit so poorly; I just know from experience many do.
The individuals responsible are sabotaging the business that employs them and their potential earnings.
Just before COVID-19 hit the world, I read the following;
“According to an article by leading analytics business SAS, up to 40 per cent of all strategic processes fail because of poor data.”
That stat will have worsened since publication due to more people working from home.
That’s the bad news.
The good news is that if your contact lists need cleaning and updating, we can help.
We can arrange for your list to be cleaned or expanded.
If you want your list to be tighter, cleaner and more sales productive, email me.
In your email, let me know how many names you want to be cleaned and tested.
With those details, I can work out a price and a delivery time for the job.
BTW: Testing means validating all email addresses before we send your beautifully laundered list back to you.
My email address is david@theexhibitionagency.com
Very best,