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Category: Sales

  • The harder I work, the luckier I get (continued)

    The most successful people work hard.  They put more hours…


  • “We want you to be in their office, not ours”

    Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash  If you work in sales,…


  • Do you have a target on your back?

    You probably don’t have it in your back. It’s more…


  • Great Mysteries In Marketing Part 78: Where do they all come from?

    Most exhibitors assume that visitors will attend the show they’ve…


  • About your meeting on the 12th of Never

    Do you have a friend who’s hard to meet with? …


  • Nearly isn’t really

    Have you ever shot for something important?  At work, it’s…


  • When great minds meet

    The older man stared out of the window.  He stood…


  • It’s not an Olympic sport just yet

    If you’re reading this, I’m guessing you’re not among the…


  • This could be great, well maybe

    Are you looking forward to something?  A holiday, a wedding,…


  • He was sitting opposite Satan himself

    Certain headlines catch your eye.  Here’s one that caught mine. …


  • Who do you really want to meet and sell to?

    Here’s an excellent way to increase sales following a trade…


  • Solving Sales Problems Part 1

    No one likes a sales problem. Usually, it means a…
