If you exhibit at trade shows you probably have more sales available to you than you realise. Click here to learn why

Squeeze all the juice you can

24/04/23Posted in Exhibiting, Marketing, Sales

Photo by Charlotte May: https://www.pexels.com

When you organise involvement in a trade show, there’s a strong chance you build other marketing activity around participation. 

But, there’s also a good to even chance that you don’t.*

If your company makes late exhibiting decisions, there isn’t time to squeeze all the juice a show offers. 

And if you think this doesn’t apply because you exhibit on a small stand, I’d urge you to think differently. 

Regardless of the stand size or events a year, you’re missing out on additional sales if you just turn up and exhibit. 

I didn’t say you wouldn’t make sales; of course, you will, but to exceed expectations, you need to work things more thoroughly.  

Put straightforwardly, if you know the average value of a first-time sale, you can put a value on what additional orders will deliver. 

You can benchmark against the same event last time or, if it’s a new show on the schedule, against a similar event and its associated expense and results. 

This way of working is central to “Milestone Marketing.”

It’s where you use trade shows as sales and marketing milestones in a financial year. 

How to make the most of those milestones and how to gain those additional sales is explained fully in the email course Trade Show Stand Mastery Part 2. 

You can see full details by clicking the link https://theexhibitionagency.com/trade-show-stand-mastery-part-2/

Very best, 

David O’Beirne 

*Based on recent conversations with dozens of exhibitors.

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