Three quick questions.
a) Do you own or work in a small or medium-sized business?
b) Does that business take part in trade shows?
c) Would you like to increase sales significantly?
If you answered yes to all of the above, you’ll find the following extremely helpful.
Trade shows provide an excellent way to build sales and profile for any business.
That’s especially true for startups and SMEs.
That’s because trade shows offer predictability.
When you know, months in advance where and when significant groups of buyers are going to gather, you can plan to make the most of that opportunity.
There’s no guesswork or list-building required on your part.
Producing those buyers is done for you.
That’s extremely rare in marketing.
Trade events also offer a secondary advantage.
You can use them as milestones for sales and marketing.
And this course will show you how.
You’ll know how to reach, engage and convert more of the companies you’d like to have as clients.
It’s important to note that much of what’s covered doesn’t involve spending additional money.
On the contrary, it shows how to utilise and enhance what you already have or are already doing.
Let’s look at the three success principles of exhibiting;
1. To increase sales from an event, you need to have more conversations.
2. That means you need to attract more of the right people to your stand.
3. With more leads, you have a bigger pool of possible conversions to sales.
Everything covered in the course is geared to achieving the above.
For example, it shows you how to make your stand the most interesting in the show for the people best suited to what you offer.
Do that, and you tick off Points 1 and 2.
Likewise, it highlights the approach you should take pre and post-event to make the conversion of hot leads to sales more likely.
But that’s only scraping the surface of what’s covered.
You’ll know;
- Where to focus your event attention
- How to create a compelling sales story for buyers
- How to bring that story alive on your stand
- How to organise your event strategy into three manageable chunks
- Why and how it’s possible to accelerate the sales process that most companies must wade through to get an order
- How to get a better stand position
- And how to work more effectively with trade show organisers
- When it makes financial sense to increase stand space
- How to make your stand work more effectively in attracting buyers
- How to use stand attractions as part of the above
- You also need to know when not to exhibit, as highlighted in Module 2
- How to get onto the radar of the people and companies you most want to be doing business with
- Why trade shows fit so well with the marketing you conduct away from events
- How to exploit one of the biggest but most underused profile-raising and lead-generating elements trade shows offer
- What exhibitors at events like The Ideal Home Show can teach about effective on-stand demonstrations
- Why and how you can probably get more publicity for your business than you do now
- How to make offers buyers can’t refuse
- Why direct marketing linked to exhibiting will increase the speed at which you close sales
- Why it’s possible to generate sales leads before a show and how to do so
- How direct marketing tactics can help you close deals with the companies at the top of your sales “Wish List”
- How to exceed the expectations of your boss or colleagues
- How to analyse the Hard, Soft and Other results exhibiting delivers
- How to know what your event leads and orders have cost to produce
- The cost of trade show leads and sales versus other forms of marketing
Buy this course, and your company will be more effective in creating sales every time you exhibit.
Training is delivered by email in five modules.
The first will be with you within an hour of placing your order.

You will also receive full course notes in a PDF document.
In combination, you can access the content whenever it suits you.
If you get stuck, if something needs further explanation, just send an email.
We will reply quickly.
If we feel a phone, Zoom or Teams is what you need, we will say so.
You choose how you receive your training support.
And if you need help finding suppliers, we can help you with that, too.
The fee for this course is £189.00.
That’s a small percentage of the money typically spent on one trade show.
However, it’s a fraction of the returns you can generate if you apply the lessons.
To order, use the form below.
The first Module will be with you within an hour.
If you want to significantly improve sales from trade shows, this course with expert support will help you achieve that goal.
The content is suitable for experienced exhibitors who want to take their event results to a higher level.

Change your thinking and you’ll change your results. This course shows you new ways of approaching your events.

Be more Red Fish. Thinking differently to everyone else can be profitable. Swim where the water is less crowded.