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When your boss delegates the trade show to you

27/07/22Posted in Stand Management

Photo by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash

I often meet people I call “the delegated.”

It happens when conducting exhibitor training seminars.

Bosses have passed responsibility for organising a trade show stand to one or more of the people attending. 

They often know nothing about stands, display systems or anything connected with the noble sport of face-to-face marketing.  

What’s surprising to them and me, is how big some of these stands are and the associated investment. 

As the session progresses, the facts become apparent. 

The job then is to stop my “delegated” attendees from worrying and show them how to take control.

If you are in this position and have never organised a trade show stand before, here’s what I suggest. 

First, if you have been worrying about what to do, how to do it, and how to fit everything in with your day job, don’t.

Instead, order my training course here. 

It will help you organise and understand what needs doing and why. 

Here’s another reason why you’ll find it so helpful. 

The training comes directly to your inbox. 

Sign-up, and you’ll receive six lessons by email. 

You don’t have to go anywhere; the training comes to you. 

And if you don’t understand any part of what’s covered, you can contact me directly, and I will provide the answer you need. 

Very best, 


David O’Beirne

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