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They can’t move the goalposts if you own them 

21/10/23Posted in List Building, List Management, Marketing

Are your sales and marketing held captive by the algorithm?

It’s a mysterious force.

It can drive your sales up, down or into stagnation.

The cleverest minds admit that they can’t figure it out.

One week, digital ads do well; the next, meh!

Either way, a big chunk of cash moved out of your account.

If you hate being beholden like this to a faceless giver and taker away, there is an alternative.

Strengthen and develop your own database.

A targeted list is one of the best foundations for a successful business.

It can’t be taken from you.

An outside force can’t control it.

Nobody else can tweak it or jerk it around.

You control your goalposts.

You play as it suits you.

Life gets more predictable.

More of your money stays in your business.

Like all good things, excellence takes work.

My associates and I can help you.

If that sounds of interest, drop me a line.

My email address is david@theexhibitionagency.com

Very best,

David O’Beirne

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