If you exhibit at trade shows you probably have more sales available to you than you realise. Click here to learn why

Trade Show Stand Mastery Part 1

This course is for you if:

  • You’ve never organised a stand at a trade show before but have been assigned this task now
  • You’d like or need to do a better job than last time
  • You’d like to delegate all or part of stand organising to a colleague
  • You want to improve sales results at the next show
  • Your next event is three months or less from now

Welcome to Trade Show Stand Mastery Part 1.

Organising a trade show stand for the first time can be daunting.

However, there’s no need to worry.

The content within this course shows you what you need to do.

More importantly, it explains why you need to do it.

And, if you’ve organised a stand before but you want to improve results or have things run smoother than last time, this course is for you too.

Here’s how you’ll learn.

Six Lessons

There are six modules in the course.

Each deals with a different aspect of exhibiting.

All are delivered by email to your inbox.

The first lesson will be with you within minutes of signing up.

We use email so that you can access the content when it suits you.

And you can carry it with you on your smartphone or laptop.

If you have a question, email us.

We will reply with an answer or arrange a call if I think that will work better for you.

Comprehensive Notes 

In addition to the six lessons, you will receive a complete set of course notes (in PDF format).

The notes contain everything covered in the email modules.

It’s another way to carry and reference the course content.

FREE: Budget Spreadsheets

As a bonus when you buy this course we will send you a copy of our Budget Spreadsheet template.

The template aids the accurate tracking of event costs and the tasks that need completing before and after an event.

You’ll find them invaluable and a real time saver.

Free quality T-shirt with your initials

As a personal “thank you”, we’ll send you a T-shirt with your initials on the front. You choose the colour. If you want a plain shirt with no initials, that’s no problem.


If you get stuck, if something needs further explanation, just send an email. 

We will reply quickly. 

If we feel a phone, Zoom or Teams is what you need, we will say so.

You choose how you receive your training support. 

And if you need help finding suppliers, we can help you with that, too.  

Here’s what the course covers.

Module One: Foundations 

  1. The unique sales qualities trade shows offer. 
  2. Being clear on exactly what the exhibition “product” really is. 
  3. Who does what: the event supply universe explained
  4. An explanation of exhibition stand and site descriptions 
  5. How to manage many event details 
  6. An introduction to Trade Show Rules and Regulations   
  7. Event Insurance and why you need it. 
  • The options you have for filling an event space
  • You design and build the stand or display 
  • Shell Scheme stands, Modular stands, Custom Build stands. 
  • When is the right time to choose a Custom Stand? 
  • How to brief a stand designer
  • Why you need your stand design approved 
  • How to exhibit successfully with a Shell Scheme Stand
  • What is a Shell Scheme?
  • How Shell displays can vary from show to show
  • How to use graphics to transform the look and impact of a Shell stand
  • Various display tips and advice for Shell Scheme exhibitors
  • How to use your stand as sales equipment
  • How to decide on the main message for your stand at the show
  • The importance of choosing the right people for your stand team
  • How to get buyers to stop at your stand 
  • How to start conversations with buyers and why that’s essential
  • Effective lead management. 
  • How to maximise the opportunities events present to a business
  • List development milestones
  • How to use pre-show marketing to build footfall and sales
  • An explanation of why buyers go to trade shows and how to use that to your advantage
  • The different pre-show marketing tools you can use
  • Deciding on the best target audience for sales 
  • When is the best time to contact buyers in advance of an event? 
  • How to track leads and sales
  • How to measure the success of an event for your business
  • Know how to work out the cost of a trade show lead
  • Know how to work out the cost of a trade show sale
  • How to build ongoing relationships with stand visitors
  • Post-show reporting
  • Improving next time 

Massively Increase Event Skills In Six Lessons

Fee: £155.00


Who will benefit from this course?

This course is for anyone that needs to know how to organise a trade show stand for their business but has little or no experience of doing so. It will take you from newbie to expert in six modules.

What makes you qualified to offer this?

Forty years of trade show and stand organising plus the input from some highly successful exhibitors.  

How soon before an event should I buy this?

As far in advance as possible. If you know that you’ll be managing a stand in the next twelve months you should buy the course now. For most exhibitors on modest sized stands, you can achieve excellent results within a three month time frame.  

What makes this course better than others?

The level of detail and the fact that it’s designed for career development as much as successful exhibiting.

Plus, you get access to industry experts.

Why is the training delivered by email?

You can run through the modules when it suits your schedule not ours. You can access the training on your commute to work or at your desk. We also send you the course as a PDF file so that you can run through the whole or parts as and when you need. And, if you have a question about any part of the training, email us and we will be in touch with an answer.

How should I justify the cost of this training to my boss?

The money spent on this course is a fraction of the cost of one trade show stand and its associated expense. Exhibiting professionally and effectively will more than recoup the cost of the course when the orders gathered from your first show are secured. And you can apply this knowledge repeatedly in the future.

Also, it’s more cost and time effective. to receive both the training and support in this way. Your company doesn’t have to pay for a trainer coming to your office, nor for your time away from the office to attend an in-person event.

How quickly will I get a response if I have a question?

Mostly within one hour or less and if you need a more detailed explanation we’ll arrange a Zoom or Teams call.

Can The Exhibition Agency supply or source event products?

Yes we can and do. Most typically graphics and stands but also digital screens, stand personnel and stand attractions.

Recent projects have also included sourcing branded T-shirts, printing and copywriting.


David O’Beirne has worked in exhibitions for thirty-five years.

What he thought would be a “filler” job in exhibition sales turned into a lifelong career. 

Asked how that happened, he says,

“Early on, I learnt that the trade shows I was helping to organise could transform the fortunes of our clients. Delighted business owners often shared their good news stories after a show. It was inspiring and something I hadn’t seen before. It’s why I’m still here.”

Over the years, David has trained thousands of exhibitors.

His talks, bulletins, training courses, and posts explain how to achieve significant sales. 

David can’t remember how many talks he has given on event marketing; he’s done that many.  

He is the author of two downloadable training courses, 

There are many other things we could cover about his event career. 

But for the sake of space, let’s just say there are few event-related issues he hasn’t seen or dealt with.