Most exhibitors assume that visitors will attend the show they’ve booked.
And so they should.
That’s what they’ve paid good money for.
That’s what they’ve been sold.
Few think or care about how those visitors will know the event is happening.
That is to overlook two vital elements of trade show marketing that you can use to your advantage.
I explain what they are in How To Use Trade Shows To Get Sales Appointments.
This publication contains much more that you’ll find helpful if you want to increase your sales at your next event.
You might know some of this already, but I’ll bet there’s more that you don’t.
“Of all the stands, in all the event cities in all the world, you have to walk into mine.”
Hopefully, Rick Blaine (Humphrey Bogart) won’t mind me borrowing his events insight shown above.
The big question I’m sure Rick would ask is,
Why should they (we’re talking about buyers) make time to come and see you?
How To Use Trade Shows To Get Sales Appointments provides the answers.
It looks at tools to use and incentives to offer.
It suggests copy for emails and direct mail letters that will resonate with the people and businesses you most want to meet and do business with.
Follow the advice, and you’ll likely generate enquiries before you get to the show.
If that sounds good to you,
Exchange the price you’d pay for two or three overpriced coffees, and the PDF will be in your inbox soon after.
You can order your copy here.
Very best,
David O’Beirne