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Category: Delegation

  • Are you scared of your sales team?

    Of course, you’re not.  You’re the boss.  What you say…


  • Focus on results, not on work

    Do you work somewhere where, Working From Home for some…


  • “The Hurrier I Go, The Behinder I Get”

    Time management.  It’s a problem for many, the White Rabbit*…


  • How to lighten your trade show workload

    Here’s an excellent way to lighten your trade show workload. …


  • The skill Vincent van Gogh had to learn

    Surprisingly, Vincent van Gogh had to learn to draw and…


  • Holes in your forecast?

    Image: by Shutterstock Do you have a hole in your…


  • What to choose if you’re working with a tight budget

    If your trade show budget hasn’t grown to match inflationary…


  • What’s on your “To Do” list that isn’t getting done?

    What’s on your “To Do” list that isn’t getting done? …


  • Warren Buffet’s excellent advice about trees and business

    One of Warren Buffet’s famous sayings;  “Someone is sitting in…


  • Good advice from a clarinet-playing comedian, actor and film-maker

    “Eighty percent of success is showing up.” So said Woody…


  • Hopefully, you will never encounter such fakery in the people you hire and manage

    I strongly suspected this applicant was lying about his age…
