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Cross this off your “To Do” list

19/09/23Posted in Data, Direct Marketing, Exhibiting

Image by Glenn Carstens-Peters

How long is your “To Do” List? 

As we are now in the autumn trade show season, I’ll bet it’s pretty long. 

With that in mind comes the following suggestion. 

Apply some direct response thinking to your trade show marketing. 

Doing so can help you improve exhibiting results.

That’s because exhibiting is a direct-to-market medium. 

  1. You meet prospective clients in person
  2. You can measure the number of leads captured or orders placed
  3. You get immediate and measurable outcomes

These are all attributes that would resonate with a direct marketer. 

So, where does the improvement bit come in? 

When it comes to improving response and results, direct marketers look at the quality of the prospect list. 

They rate list quality higher than copy or creative for achieving success. 

A poor list can’t produce excellent results even when mailed with great copy and an outstanding offer. 

Poor quality data wastes marketing money, and worse, it damages response. 

It’s why my business has always offered list-building and cleaning services to our clients. 

If you think your list needs some attention in any of the following, email david@theexhibitionagency.com

  1. Additional or new contacts
  2. Cleaning 
  3. Validation of existing contacts 
  4. Improved categorisation 
  5. Checking for GDPR compliance  
  6. Organisation mapping 

Hand it to us and it’s one important job you can cross off your list. 

Very best, 

David O’Beirne 

Does your list look like a cheese grater?

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