An excellent article from the Advertising Speciality Institute prompts this post.
It presents five ideas for removing plastic from promotional items.
There’s a link to the article below, but first, a suggestion for a quick win all exhibitors can achieve.
Plastic offers many benefits, but it has terrible environmental costs.
The events industry has been a big user of plastic, especially PVC signage and wall coverings.
One easy way to reduce plastic use and a carbon footprint is to swap traditional pull-up banners for cardboard displays.
Pull-ups contain PVC, and nearly all originate from China.
That’s a lot of nautical carbon miles from these shores.
Sadly, most of those banners end up in landfill, whereas cardboard can be recycled repeatedly.
Concerning signage containing PVC, ensure your supplier has a process for recycling their banners and wall coverings.
There are many public play place floors, road cones and shoe soles now made with recycled trade show materials.
You can read the Advertising Speciality Institute article here.
Stylish Bags Made From Rejected Airbags
Following the theme of more sustainable exhibiting, Promo Marketing Magazine highlights an excellent innovation from bag manufacturer Freitag.
To smaller footprints in the events world.
Very best,