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Category: Delegation

  • Where have they all gone?

    People are disappearing at an alarming rate all over this…


  • The one thing you, me and the cat could probably do with more of

    Time.  We all want more of the stuff.  We want…


  • “I never have to work again…”

    “I never have to work again unless I want to…


  • It’s nice to be asked

    It’s nice when you’re asked to share your experience especially…


  • Regrets. Who Needs Them?

    Have you ever had the feeling you could have done…


  • A pleasant surprise for “The Catcher In The Rye” author

    “What really knocks me out is a book, that when…


  • Why your morning coffee is stronger than you think

    You’ve probably seen or heard news coverage about crumbling schools…


  • How do you like your stand walls? Nice and straight or scrunched and flat?

    Some years back, when my ankles still had cartilage in…


  • “It looked so good when we built it with straws “

    Have you ever had an on-site disaster?  The kind when…


  • China on tour and coming to a trade show near you

    China recently highlighted its support for increased trade show participation. …


  • Would you like chips with that?

    Image by Somia Lone on Unsplash.com In a little beachfront…


  • The Madding Crowd is smaller than you think

    Image by Rob Curran on Unsplash.com Is the world really…
