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Category: Management

  • Your future managers are hiding in plain sight 

    Research by Gallup found that only one in ten individuals…


  • More About Waking Up And Smelling The Coffee

    Do you wish your boss loved you as much as…


  • Career proofing stuff in the AI era

    Here’s something interesting about career development I read recently in…


  • The spirit of Neutron Jack lives on

    Last week, global finance company Intuit announced it was laying…


  • They should bottle this stuff

    A recent email promised me two huge benefits.  We’re talking…


  • Unleash The Kraken In Your Team

    The Kraken is a legendary sea monster.  It looks very…


  • Why no one jumps for joy with a dead-end promotion

    Do you know what a dead-end promotion is?  It’s where…


  • Buy this for the budding superhero in your team 

    Hopefully, you have one or more on your team.  I’m…


  • A Timely Tip For A Friday 

    If you can’t manage your own time, how can you…


  • The Rage in Spain is about getting on the plane

    Here’s a lesson, seen last week, that shows how to…


  • How To Succeed With Your Rebellion

    Rebel, Rebel by David Bowie is an all-time great song. …


  • You can achieve a great deal in ten days

    Promises of improvement are the foundation of many advertisements.  You’ll…
