If you exhibit at trade shows you probably have more sales available to you than you realise. Click here to learn why

Don Your Best Bib And Tucker

07/03/23Posted in Exhibiting, Stands & Displays, Trade show marketing

There are some very scruffy exhibition stands out there.

I’ve got pics of quite a few. 

Not for blackmailing purposes.

No, I use them as a reminder that some businesses need help in the display department. 

I’m talking about cluttered stands, almost empty stands, and paper posters taped on the wall stands. 

Not good when you think of the money put up for the show. 

Put it like this; 

Would you turn up to an important sales meeting without thinking about your appearance? 

Of course not. 

Yet, many exhibitors do, which is a shame because a trade show is a giant sales meeting.  

Surprisingly, exhibitors on those stands might still have a good show despite the sabotage efforts of their owners. 

I’ve seen buyers step over obstacles to get onto stands and then root around, picking their way through piles of stuff to see if they can unearth something worthwhile. 

Most often, though, I’ve seen many walk right past. 

And who can blame them? 

I’m sure that the scenario above doesn’t apply when you exhibit. 

But might you want to sharpen the look and impact of your stand?

If your show is in the UK, we can help if that’s the case. 

To get the ball rolling, email david@theexhibitionagency.com

Very best,

David O’Beirne

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