A long time ago, my working career began in sales.
It proved a highly successful calling.
Not right away; it would be misleading to give you that impression.
No, I had to work very hard at the start to make progress.
Being fired from my first sales job was disappointing but fair.
But it made me more determined to succeed.
Once I got the hang of things, sales success took off.
That success later led me into marketing and management.
I had no formal training in either of those subjects.
However, I learnt from the example of excellent bosses and long hours of reading and studying.
And sometimes, I learnt from the two most influential business tutors, Trial and Error.
That can be painful, especially when you are risking your own money.
What would have been extremely helpful along the way are the guides, training and consultancy we provide.
It’s tried and tested stuff presented in clear language.
Choose according to the task you need to learn or get better at.
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Thank you for visiting.
Very best,

David O’Beirne