“Here,” the organiser said, pointing to a giant incubator full of eggs.
“This is where we incubate our magic eggs.”
Rows of them stretched out, bathed in light.
“They’ll hatch next year, just in time for the show.”
“Wow,” said the exhibitor, “they look so beautiful.
I bet there are all kinds of buyers for our products in there.”
The organiser nodded sagely.
However, he wondered why so many exhibitors fell for this tale.
For they weren’t magic eggs at all.
They were just eggs.
Some were cracked underneath, but luckily, no one had spotted that.
The boys and girls in the creative department had done an excellent disguising job.
Well, it is almost pantomime season.
When it comes to exhibiting strategy, you could keep things simple.
You could “turn up and exhibit.”
It’s not much of a strategy and unlikely to achieve exciting levels of sales growth.
Yet many exhibitors rely on this approach for their results.
They think organisers have access to a pool of buyers they don’t.
Contrary to that belief, those buyers are very much alive all year round.
Exhibiting combined with direct marketing can bring them to your stand and your business.
We specialise in this, and no eggs are involved unless you’re buying breakfast.
To discuss a different approach to exhibiting and making sales, email david@theexhibitionagency.com
Very best,