Photo by Karl Greif on Unsplash
Last week, Commercial UAV Expo (a trade show for the drone industry) achieved a record attendance.
It also sold out all its stand space in sunny old Las Vegas.
That’s interesting, even if you’re not in the drone business.
This story from PR Newswire highlights a very enlightening stat, plus some other useful pointers for trade show exponents.
Here’s the stat; UAV Expo achieved an 83% conversion rate on pre-registrations.
That means 83% of the people who pre-registered before the event actually attended.
Pre-Pandemic, the conversion rate for many trade shows was closer to 50%.
However, I’d wager that most events have improved their conversion rates since the great restart in February/March (based on attendance numbers).
Pre-registration and making sales before an event are covered in the upcoming Trade Show Stand Mastery Course Part 2, released at the end of this month.
Meantime, there are other lessons you can glean from the UAV story.
One is that smaller, tightly focused events like this, can be highly successful for exhibitors.
Seek out those in your industry.
They attract a very interested and motivated audience (look at the number of people who attended the Wednesday keynote).
For visitors like these, information and content are as important as the exhibits.
Hopefully, you’re making the most of all opportunities when you exhibit.
If not, purchase one of our training courses.
Click here for details.
Very best,