Many exhibitors (and their bosses) weigh event success by the number of leads collected.
That’s a good and straightforward measure.
However, a better gauge is the conversion rate of leads to sales.
As I’m fond of saying, “leads are great, but sales are way better.”
It’s a sentiment most bosses seem to agree with.
Of course, you must have leads to start the sales process.
But if you have lead generation working well, you can afford to spend more time on improving post-event conversion.
That means looking at and perhaps tweaking follow-up processes.
Maybe using show offers and closing dates to inject a faster close to beat out competitors.
Each stage of following-up is worthy of examination.
You can see which events produce the best (sales) results with analysis.
You’ll know which events produce the biggest or most profitable orders.
You can also evaluate how trade shows compare against other forms of promotion.
It’s a highly profitable subject.
It’s one that’s covered in great detail in Trade Show Mastery Part 2.
That’s a training course that comes with lots of support from yours truly and other event specialists.
You can see the details by visiting this page on our website.
Very best,