Do you play tennis?
I used to until a sports injury meant I had to stop.
It’s a great game, very social, and I do miss whacking balls around the court.
My wife (an excellent player) used to buy me Lacoste tennis kit.
I had to ask her to stop because it got to a point where I looked like they sponsored me.
If only that were true because their excellent stuff is not cheap.
Maybe that’s why it’s called “La Coste?”
When I arrived on the court, you might have thought, “Well, he must be good. “
On some days, that would be true.
On many others, my sponsorship deal would have been in doubt.
But enough about me and the price of tennis wear.
The moral of this tale is that your company can look like an event sponsor without the associated costs.
All you have to do is follow the guidelines in Trade Show Stand Mastery Part 2.
It costs less than a couple of T-shirts from the aforementioned Crocodile company.
Your tennis won’t improve, but your event results will.
And, if you want to upscale what’s covered there, talk to me, and we will provide even more visibility ideas.
So, to be a star in your boss’s eyes and someone worthy of their sponsorship, now and in the future, click this link.
Very best,
David O’Beirne