Thank you for your interest in improving trade show sales performance.
Here’s how we can help your business at your next event.
It starts with your Objectives
When you decide to work with us, we will ask you questions about the upcoming event.
That will include learning about your objectives and understanding what success looks like for your business.
To get that information, we will meet with you in person or, if more convenient, by Zoom call.
Further questions will help us build a picture of how you market your business at events and who your best sales prospects are.
We turn that information into a Recommendations Report.
It will present suggestions for things that should help you improve the conversion of leads into sales.
Therefore, it will likely also include ideas for increasing footfall with the buyers you’ve highlighted as top sales prospects.
It’s the driver for improving trade show sales performance.
Cost vs Benefits
We charge £295 for this service.
The fee is payable in two instalments. £147.50 on booking and £147.50 when we send you our recommendations.
So, what are the benefits of this service?
The first and arguably most important is that you’ll receive unbiased advice geared to helping your business convert more event leads into sales.
Depending on what you sell, you’ll recoup the cost of this service in your first additional sale.
Secondly, we’ll let you know about other elements of your marketing you could tweak to improve your trade show performance.
Those recommendations could benefit your business all year round.
Third, you may receive display tips and advice to make your stand work more effectively.
How much time is needed before an event for this to work?
We should talk eight to twelve weeks out from an event. Longer is better.
If your event is less than four weeks away, the impact we can make will be less, and you’re better off not buying this service now.
To get started
To reserve an appointment, email david@theexhibitionagency.com
I’ll reply with suggested dates and times, and you can let me know if you’d like to meet in person or via Zoom.
Once you’ve paid £147.50, we will confirm the appointment.
We will also send you by email a free copy of,
How To Use Trade Shows To Get Sales Appointments.
The subject matter in this PDF booklet is closely related to improving trade show sales.
Following our conversation, you should receive our recommendations within three working days.
It’s all very straightforward and actionable.
If you have questions, please see our FAQs page or email david@theexhibitionagency.com
Very best,