If you want one or more of the three things highlighted above, the solution lies in two areas;
- Trade Shows and exhibiting
- Team Development
Trade Shows Are Booming For A Reason
The number of trade shows and conferences is at an all-time high.
Attendance to these events worldwide keeps growing.
That’s because trade shows work when it comes to developing sales.
You already know that because your business exhibits.
But do you get the best possible return on your event investment?
Shortly, there will be more on that subject.
First, let’s look at the second component that can deliver better results for your business while freeing up more of your time.
Team Development
Effective delegation lies at the heart of freeing your time.
But you must be able to delegate with confidence.
You need to know that things you currently do will be done as well or better by the person to whom you handover.
That’s where the Trade Show Stand Mastery training courses come in.
They ensure you have that confidence when handing over event management to a member of your team.
There are two courses (Parts 1 & 2).
Both highlight how to use trade shows to build sales.
Trade Show Stand Mastery Part 1 is for complete beginners or those with minimal event experience.
The focus is on the organising side of exhibiting.
Trainees will move from understanding space contracts to choosing effective displays.
Using trade shows for building sales is a theme common to both courses.
Trade Show Stand Mastery Part 2 is for individuals with stand organising experience.
The focus is on using trade shows to build sales before, during and after an event.
It’s about event marketing as opposed to “exhibiting.”
There are links further down to pages listing the content for each course.
If you’re wondering if paying for either or both of these courses will be worthwhile, consider the following;
- Your business has unused capacity if you’re not enabling your team to perform at a higher level: Bright workers want to learn more. They want to grow in their work and expertise. They also want to feel that what they do at work each day matters. You may not have the time you’d like for training and development. Either course, with our support for trainees, can do that job.
- You can use the new expertise within your team to help you build additional bursts of sales into a financial year: Both courses deal with the practical aspects of successful exhibiting. They also stress the importance and opportunities for sales development. Both teach trainees to see trade shows as milestones around which they can engineer sales. It’s a way of thinking that will be invaluable to you when planning your financial goals.
- The quality of leads your business comes away with from a trade show will improve: All trade show sales start as leads. We focus on helping trainees attract not just more leads but those of higher value.
- Both courses produce trade show marketers as opposed to exhibitors: A trade show marketer thinks about strategy rather than just turning up and exhibiting. There’s a vast difference between the two. The first approach is proactive, and the second is reactive. Which would you rather have for your business?
- Whoever you buy the course for will understand why successful exhibiting is vital to a company’s overall sales success: If, to date, your exhibiting has been divorced from your wider marketing activity and objectives, that will change. Trainees will think about how your events help achieve wider business objectives. If you want to build a proactive, can-do team, these training courses are what you need.
- Trainees will focus on tracking sales: A big frustration for many exhibitors and business owners is not knowing which of their trade show leads turn into sales. With greater ownership of event organisation and planning, your team member will want to know how their efforts have worked and what they have delivered to the business. We show them how to do that.
- You’ll get greater value from your wider marketing: To increase sales and improve lead quality, you need to work assets hard. Those assets might include current or past clients, sales enquiries with your database, pages on your website, product guides and videos your business has already created. Trainees are taught to use these assets before and after events to build traffic and increase the conversion of leads into sales.
- Improve sales skills within your business: Trade shows involve face-to-face conversations. Unlike digital marketing, you and your team get to talk to real people. We show how to be effective salespeople in a live environment. Those skills boost sales effectiveness in other areas because there’s nothing like hearing first-hand how buyers rate your product or service.
- You’ll have an event specialist in your business: Someone who’ll know when to increase stand space, how to test new events cost-effectively, or when to withdraw from poor performers and put the money saved to better use elsewhere.
- They’ll know to use the structure of a stand to attract greater footfall: Your stand should be a sales tool for your business. We show them how to make it so.
- They’ll also know how to get buyers to stop at your stand: Every trade show sale starts with a conversation. It’s direct marketing in its purest form. That’s why this subject is part of both courses.
- If you want bigger bangs from your exhibiting bucks, this is the way to get it. We teach trainees to use trade shows as marketing milestones to build sales and market awareness.
- Doing the above makes it possible to generate sales leads before an event opens its doors.
- Your business will be more efficient when closing sales after an event. As said already, leads are great, but sales are far better. They pay the bills and make investment in a business possible. Post-show, your company will compete with other exhibitors and suppliers for the business your leads offer. Efficient closing of deals is therefore critical to sales success, and that’s why the subject is part of each course.
- You’ll get reports that tell you the true value gained from the investment made in each show: What do your event leads and sales won actually cost you to acquire? We explain how to work that out in Part 1. In Part 2, we show trainees how to produce in-depth reports that evaluate the hard and soft results that exhibiting can deliver. That means you won’t be in any doubt as to whether the money invested in a show has been well spent.
- You’ll have someone on your team focused on making improvements, event to event: Learning, tweaking and improving from event to event is something an event specialist should want. They will also want to demonstrate those improvements to you, be they in leads collected, increased sales, improved footfall, spikes in visits to your website, or other areas events can influence. If you want a business-focused contributor on your team instead of someone who can order a stand display and furniture, these courses are the way to go.
Key Benefits For Your Trainee
- Either course will boost their event skills and confidence
- Putting into practice what they learn will make for smoother and more efficient working before, during and after an event
- Trainees receive support from a highly experienced event expert
- They can use the Help Desk to source event products and services
- They’ll have access to the Stand Ideas section on our website
- They will receive detailed event planning spreadsheets to monitor tasks and expenditure
When is the best time to buy the training?
Three months before a show is ideal.
Two months out is okay too, but trainees will have a little more time pressure.
If it’s less than a month, best apply to your next event.
And, if you like leaving things until the last minute, this training is not for you.
Free T-shirt with your initials
Purchase either course, and we will send you a quality T-shirt with your initials printed on the front
Purchase both courses (1 & 2) together, and you’ll also receive a heavy-duty sweatshirt to go with the Tee.
NB. If you don’t want your initials on either item, no problem; we will send them plain.
How To Order
Below are links to each course.
Trade Show Stand Mastery Part 1
Trade Show Stand Mastery Part 2
The pages describe what Trade Show Stand Mastery Parts 1 & 2 cover.
Choose the course that suits your trainees experience to date.
You can order either course by scrolling down to the order form below the course description.
Highlight the course you want.
The first lesson arrives soon after payment is received.
If you decide that you’d like to order both courses, there’s a button for that.
It gives you the option to buy both courses at the same time with a 15% discount vs buying them separately.
If you have any questions, email david@theexhibitionagency.com and I will be in touch.
Very best,