A shell scheme is what it says on the tin.
It’s a shell within which you place or hang your exhibits.
A shell scheme stand offers a cost-effective and ready-made way to exhibit.
You don’t have to pay anyone to design a stand.
Choose the Space & Shell option on a trade show booking form, and the organiser will provide a display structure that usually looks like the stand shown above (wall colours may vary).
You might also find that lighting, power and carpet are included (shell packages vary from show to show).
Another big plus for shell scheme is that you can customise it.
You can add shelving, cupboards, storage rooms, and towers.
Shell scheme is a big kit of parts that can create various assembled options, including double-deck stands (a stand with an upper level).
What’s The Downside?
If you’re new to exhibiting, there’s very little downside to using Shell.
It’s a safe option.
It’s ready-made.
The main downside of using a shell scheme is that your stand will look pretty much like all other shell stands in the show unless you plan otherwise.
Why might that be a problem?
Shell stands are built in blocks.
It makes them stable and safe structures.
But it also means that from a visitor’s point of view, shell stands can blend into one.
That’s why it pays to find ways to make your shell stand more visible on a crowded show floor.
Five Tips For Making Your Shell Stand Visible In A Busy Trade Show
1. Use Impact Graphics
Impact or seamless graphics are the most effective ways to transform a shell scheme stand.
They will help your business stand out from exhibiting shell scheme neighbours.
Seamless graphics (see this article for more details) can make a small shell scheme stand appear bigger.
That’s because they present a decluttered image to the eye.
Plus, they also make your company look highly professional.
2. Add colour to those shell scheme walls
A shell scheme stand consists of a framework of poles into which display panels slot. Those panels are typically white or grey.
You can change the colour of one or more panels if you organise this in advance.
Changing just the panels that edge the aisle, or, all of the panels on one side of your stand is a low cost way to add some impact.
You can also change the colour of your stand’s fascia and nameboard to match.
3. Roll out the red carpet
Changing the colour of your shell scheme carpet is another simple but effective way to achieve standout and it doesn’t cost a great deal to do this.
Stand contractors will be able to offer you a range of standard carpet colours and you can order in advance directly from the Exhibitor Manual.
4. Wrap stand furniture with a graphic
If you have a counter or plinth on your stand, you can “wrap” them with a graphic to add a splash of colour.
Wraps also make your company name or slogan easier to see.
5. Wear matching clothing
This is the simplest and cheapest way to standout from other shell schemes.
All you need to do is have your team dress in the same colour.
Even if there are only two of you working on the stand you will be surprised at the impact this can make.
It works even better if you have tied some element of your attire to the colour scheme being used on your stand.
Keep your colours consistent
Don’t go mad with the colour palette. Keep your colour consistent and matching.
Pick one or two of the ideas suggested above and you’ll greatly increase the visibility of your stand among your neighbours.