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Get your story straight

17/10/24Posted in Copywriting, Marketing, Video

My good friend Charles Mills of Flotilla Media gave the following advice a few years back. 

“Get your story straight.” 

Charles was referring to video stories in an article he wrote for my Exhibitors Only blog.  

However, it’s great advice for copywriting, sales scripts, stand graphics and screens.  

Charles went on to say, 

“Make sure there’s an underlying narrative, no matter how much information you want to include in your video presentations. 

The film should speak directly and unmistakeably to the viewer’s needs.  

Avoid cluttering the core story with details like stats and complex technical specs.

Better to convey those in print. 

It’s surprising how many marketers who are sharp and disciplined with their advertising still make overcrowded videos. 

And also forget to include a clear call to action.”

Ditto for emails, presentations, signage and sales scripts. 

Very best, 

David O’Beirne

Also worth reading…