“Dad, those people are always having a sale!”
Our youngest daughter, at six years old, recognised the ongoing marketing of a well-known furniture company.
She noticed they were advertising yet another “great sale” on TV.
She wasn’t their target audience, but as she grew, she became a big influencer of spending in our home.
And that included beds (a bright pink bunk bed was her first request).
My mother was amazed that at the age of two, I was calling out the names of Daz and Omo (both soap powders) as their ads appeared on our television back in the 1960s.

Young minds soak up many things.
What does this have to do with your marketing?
Repetition works, that’s what.
Another way to describe repetition in this context is persistence.
In sales, persistence pays.
You may have seen statistics highlighting the number of times a prospective client must be contacted before a sale is made.
The numbers usually range from 5-8 times.
However, you have to be persistent with a useful message.
Useful that is to the person you want to be doing business with.
And that’s where we can help.
We craft consistent marketing for that purpose.
Whether or not you ever have a “sale,” isn’t the point.
Making sales most definitely is.
We can apply some of that bed and soap powder strategy to your business.
Email david@theexhibitionagency.com to start a conversation.
Very best,